Fraserglen Kennels Reg’d has been breeding German Shepherds who are “ready” for over 25 years. It grew out of what I believe was a necessity.
True to our ancestry, Fraserglen Kennels’ motto remains the same, to produce dogs who are:
As the owner and operator of an Obedience Training School I was very disappointed in the quality of German Shepherd dogs that I observed attending my classes. Fearful dogs, unhealthy dogs, structurally unsound dogs and hyper active dogs unable to focus. This was disappointing as I had loved this breed from childhood. I admired their courage and versatility, always by your side – “ready” for anything. I made a commitment then to produce German Shepherds that would be “ready” to be the working dog of their origins and so Fraserglen Kennels was born.
Along the way I was very fortunate to meet someone who would become my mentor and close friend. I learned that the information that a pedigree provides is invaluable. That a breeding program must appreciate the planning that went into past generations. That working traits do not suddenly appear but must be maintained and selected for. Over the years Carmspack Kennels and Fraserglen Kennels have worked in partnership to remain true to those values. Producing dogs for competition, law enforcement, search and rescue, disability assistance and most importantly loyal, loving family companions.
Building on the Carmspack foundation lines which incorporate many of the old tried and true greats like Marko Cellerland, Racker Itztal, Uwe & Uran Kirschental, Urban Hopfenstrasse, Boris Trogenbach, Gilda Korbelbach, Held, Golf and Grand Ritterberg, Don Rolandsteich, Dix Maineiche, Rex & Ulf Haus Iris, Roy Muritz. Fraserglen Kennels continues to seek out and utilize pedigrees that are proven to produce confident, easy to work, trainable dogs. Dogs ready to work, no matter if their job is as a police K9, a PTSD therapy dog or a loyal family companion.
When I decided to breed German Shepherds I did so believing that we did not need more German Shepherds in the world but we did need better German Shepherds! Please enjoy the rest of our website, and if you think you may be “ready” for a Fraserglen German Shepherd we look forward to meeting you.
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